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"Helping You Actualise Excellence"

Self Leadership

Meta-Coach System
Self Leadership Program

Self Leadership is a Neuro-Semantics foundational training where you will earn a 3-day Meta-States Certification. One of our gateway trainings of the Meta-Coach system and a prerequisite to become a certified Meta-Coach.

This training will greatly add to your self-leadership, influencing, communication, and coaching skills. You learn how to develop, access and operate from your best states – your genius or flow states.

Understanding and developing these characteristics is crucial for personal and professional growth. By accessing these states, individuals can enhance their creativity, focus, and overall effectiveness, ultimately reaching their full potential.

The training is structured over three days:

  1. Day One: Focuses on foundational mind-body states such as power, discovery, curiosity, and trust. Participants will experience and build upon these states, which may seem simple but are profoundly impactful.
  2. Day Two: Utilises the meta-skills from Day One to address troubling emotions and conflicting concepts, and to clear mental obstacles. This process frees up mental energy for creativity and new endeavors, and helps participants develop healthier relationships with challenging ideas.
  3. Day Three: Integrates all facets to help participants rise to their highest intentions and align their actions with their goals. This alignment creates a state of “will power,” making motivation natural and smooth.

Throughout the training, participants will learn to protect their genius state by setting mental constraints and clearing excuses, leading to a specific pathway to excellence using the Meta-States Model.

Participants will demystify the concept of genius, understanding it as the ability to tap into one’s innate creativity and be fully present. They will engage in experiential exercises to create resourceful states and frames that support personal mastery. This training will demonstrate that genius is not close to madness but rather a state of healthy, balanced, and focused mind.

Questions about the Training:

  1. Will it demystify “genius”?

    • Yes, participants will understand genius as the ability to be at one’s best, fully present, and creatively engaged, amplifying its magic rather than diminishing it.
  2. What can one expect in this training?

    • Participants will experience a mix of structural descriptions and experiential exercises to develop powerful, resourceful states.
  3. What are the distinctions of genius?

    • These include laser focus, passion, commitment, and the absence of internal conflict, allowing for a state of complete mental and emotional alignment.
  4. Isn’t “genius” close to madness?

    • While some historical perspectives link genius to madness, the APG training emphasizes that genius can emerge from a healthy, balanced state, focusing on the best aspects of human potential.
  5. Doesn’t genius relate to intelligence?

    • Genius involves intelligence, but not exclusively. It includes the ability to make critical distinctions and perceive patterns, integrating global and detailed thinking. Genius is about noticing and leveraging specific details that others might miss, supported by a balanced and integrated mental structure.

Neuro-Semantics and its foundation model of Meta-States is at the leading edge to running your own brain. It allows you to explore how your mind works, the levels of your mind (the higher levels of your thinking and meaning making), and the Matrix of beliefs and frames that governs your everyday experiences, your outer games.

The experience you will receive in this training will also help you understand and engage the minds of others.

Collaborative Licensed Trainers: Zenda Foon, Della Ng, Inoka Ranasinghe, Cheryle Rayson, Shawn Dwyer

Upcoming Trainings:

Self Leadership / Coaching Genius
3 Day Meta-States Certification Training

Location: Melbourne

15th, 16th, 17th November, 2024

Ring mobile now 0439 194 323

or email Shawn


Interest free payment plans available as required, 

Early Bird Rate (Ends 30th Aug) : $899 AUD
15% Discount Rate (Ends 30th Sept) : $999 AUD
Standard Rate : $1199 AUD

Book Now email 

Meta-Coach System